The Africentric Personal Development Shop, Inc. (APDS) is an innovative behavioral healthcare institution established in 1988. APDS is a 501(c)3 nonprofit institution that uses the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) criteria guidelines and models of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques for the prevention, treatment, and recovery from alcohol and other drugs use disorders. APDS is certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS).
Prevention Programs Provided
Domestic Violence Intervention and Prevention Classes
APDS provides prevention education classes to male and female perpetrators (18 years and older) for the intervention and prevention of domestic violence.
S.M.A.R.T. 2.0 (2.0 offers Science-Social learning, Mentoring-Math, AOD prevention-Art, Reading-Recreation, and Technology-Travel)
We provide a 9-week summer day camp for 100 youth ages 6 to 12 with emphasis on academic enhancement, social emotional learning, and character counts development.
Unified Community and Neighborhood Network (UCANN)
The Africentric Personal Development Shop (APDS) has been a part of this community for decades. To contribute to making sure that this community is around for many more decades, we support the future of our community… Our Youth.
UCANN works to stop youth-involved violence in our Columbus community. We arm our young people between the ages of 11 and 22 with the tools they need to become champions of nonviolence. Then UCANN participants may use these tools to help create vibrant, safe, and innovative communities.
Urban GEMS (Gardening Entrepreneurs Motivating Sustainability)
The APDS Urban GEMS program builds awareness, knowledge, and skills that are designed to prevent addiction and reduce high school dropout rates by enriching the science, health, personal and career development curricular offerings for youth and communities at high risk of poverty. This program utilizes aeroponic food production as a vehicle to enrich the lives and learning of the young people in the program through project-based learning around scientific discovery, math lessons, historical analysis, nutritional principles, consumer science education and the creative and language arts.
Costs for Services
At APDS, the cost for services is based on the customer’s household income. APDS is primarily funded by the ADAMH Board of Franklin County. The support of ADAMH allows APDS to provide services to many individuals and families that typically can’t afford quality counseling services.
APDS accepts most major insurances including Medicaid and self-pay. APDS services are offered to all populations: No one is denied services due to race, age, ethnicity, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or economic status.
Making Families Healthier and Safer
We consistently review the new research and findings in our behavioral healthcare industry. We continue to measure the effectiveness of APDS by the success our clients, efficiency of our operations, and reliable stewardship of public and private resources. We value and explore the input we receive from our clients, funders, partners, and citizens in general. Equally as important, we value the input from our staff and volunteers, and place strong emphasis on providing a supportive yet challenging work environment.

Our Motto
“Helping People Help Themselves”
Our Theme
Making Franklin County Healthier and Safer
Our Tag Line
"APDS: Making Families Healthier and Safer"
Our Mission
Mission Statement: To provide culturally responsive behavioral healthcare and personal development programs
Our Vision
Vision Statement : To be regionally recognized as an innovative and preeminent behavioral healthcare center specializing in substance abuse treatment, domestic violence intervention education, and personal development programs
People Helped
Year of Service
Fund Raised
Self-Empowerment Is Our Specialty